Tag Archives: jelly

Sweet, wicked and green

24 May
Pere Kermanns Absinthe

Pere Kermanns Absinthe (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you want to surprise your guests (and no children, for heaven’s sake), then this is an easy pud to make, with a stunning effect.

Make lime (green) jelly as normal (Americans, this is British jelly which I think you call jello), but when you pour in the cold water, substitute a shot glass of absinthe for the last 50ml of water (per 1 pin tjelly packet). I should make it in small glasses, as even a small hit of absinthe is enough if you’re new to it.

For an extra visual kick, drop a blueberry or two into each glass before you pour in the liquid jelly.

Do warn your guests that there’s alcohol in the jelly, or you could give a nasty surprise to any recovering alcoholics or teetotallers.